Saturday, June 4, 2011

Superfood Frenzy

In the past I have actually been quite opposed to health foods including restaurants that specialize in the subject.
I recently watched the documentary Food Matters and it really meant a lot to me. If you have Netflix, it is an instant watch; if you don't please rent it anyways. As a general synopsis it exposes the reality behind how the foods we eat are more significant in our health (on the macro level) than most people realize. The foods and vitamins that we do or do not put in our body are directly related to the cause and treatment of cancer. After watching this movie I feel like there IS a cure for cancer but most doctors do not advocate these alternative ideas because they are not taught this in medical school and/or it is not bringing profits to pharmaceutical companies. I went to Whole Foods and bought some things that I will really have to make an effort towards keeping consistent in my diet. Some of the things I bought include: raw cacao beans, goji berries, organic acai juice, organic frozen blueberries, flax seed, organic milk and yogurt (unpasteurized)(only lasts for 7 days), prunes, coconut chips, wheatgrass juice, blueberry acai superfood cereal, acai powder mix, and lots of organic fruits and vegetables. Most importantly!!! I bought SUSHI!!! I have always hated sushi but after hearing about the cancer rates and life expectancy for the Asian countries I have decided that I must force myself to start eating sushi and drinking green tea.

If you are a normal person with normal desires in life it will be significantly hard to incorporate or completely change to eating only these superfoods. I am trying to take it slowly, one day at a time. I have become vegetarian and now I am slowly trying to add in these foods to my daily routine. I am also trying to drink 1-3 glasses of water (most likely 1) first thing in the morning before consuming anything else.

Today I started with one glass of water, then my usual coffee craving crept in so I had one gigantic cup with organic milk and splenda plus a Luna bar (I finally found the coconut one Larissa told me about!!!)! For lunch I had a smoothie made of organic acai juice, flax seed, organic blueberries, and organic yogurt. As a snack I had prunes. As a late afternoon snack I had 4 pieces of sushi. And for dinner (I splurged) and had spinach and chive alfredo pasta, garlic toast, salad, and white wine. See, I started off great, then I came back to planet earth. I ended the night with a happy balance: a few oreos and a cup of green tea : )

Next time one of my family members says to me, "Oh MY God Andrea you are soo skinny!!!" I hope they see that I am not starving myself but I am eating a healthy diet that will support me accomplishing my goal in life: living till I am 100. Who else is on board?! Sure it may not always be pleasant (the raw cacao beans almost made me puke; the goji berries stick in your teeth like taffy so you can't get the horrible dirt taste out of your mouth; the acai cereal is so heavy, only about a 1/4 a cup will suffice; prunes? really? need I say more; coconut chips, also mad me nauseous. Some of the other stuff I haven't even tried yet!

So if you are reading this, please feel free to commiserate, share, brag, question, or comment on this post. Hoping everyone can become healthy enough to live till they are 100. And while doing so, pray for world peace. Remember if we all think the same thing together, it will manifest!!!!!


1 comment:

I Live For It said...

This blog is so cute!!! What a fun idea!!! I am so happy that I just stumbled on your blog. It's fantastic and really original! I love everything that you cover.

We are following you on Google Friend Connect and Bloglovin' now!

Hope you'll visit us sometime! ;)

I Live For It

Xx. Jewls and Liza