Friday, June 10, 2011

Superfood Berry Smoothie!

So yesterday I completley fell off the "superfood diet" and ate nothing but bread, bread, cheesecake, bread, cheesecake, cheesecake, bread. Hey, nobody is perfect. Apparently my body was craving some CARBS!!!! So this morning I tried to get back into my healthy routine by mixing up one of the smoothies. Here are the ingredients again (a little different from last time).
In order from left to right: chopper (a house warming gift from my sistert Amanda), organic frozen blueberries, organic frozen rasberries, coconut chips, 3 raw cacao beans (any more than that and I'll feel sick), "Brown cow" organic vanilla yogurt, Pom (pomegranate) juice, Naked Blue Machine juice, Acai superfood powder, chopped fresh organic strawberries! Red cutting board (gift from the mom) and chopper/scraper for lifting small crumbs (gift to myself from Ross).

Now I feel better! ~~A~~

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