Sunday, March 13, 2011

Prayers to Japan & Italian Bread Pudding

I LOVE bread pudding but I (unlike most people) do not like it with raisens in it (which is very rare to find). For my last birthday my mom made me some bread pudding without raisens just especially for me and it was wonderful. That's why this recipe appealed to me so much. I made this recipe as I send hope, prayers and my heart to all the victims in Japan. I am thankful that I have the ability to make this when so many others can not afford this luxury.
butter for greasing
2 apples, peeled, cored, and sliced into rings (you may need more depending on the size of your baking dish)
generous 1/3 cup granulated sugar
2 tbsp white wine
3 1/2 oz. bread, sliced with crusts removed (slightly stale French baguette is ideal)
1 1/4 cups light cream
2 eggs, beaten
pared rind of 1 orange, cut into thin sticks

1. Grease a 5 cup ovenproof dish (I just used the good ol' 16 inch baking pan that I use for everything)
2. Arrange the apple rings across the base of the dish, overlapping them, then sprinkle half of the sugar over the apples. 
3. Pour the wine over the apples. Add the bread slices, pushing them down with your hands to flatten them slightly. 
4. Mix the cream with the eggs, the remaining sugar, and the orange rind and pour the mixture over the bread. Set aside to soak for 30 minutes.

5. Bake the bread pudding in a 350 degree oven for 25 minutes, until golden brown and set. Remove and serve warm. 

Now, I was using a much larger casserole dish than what was called for so I ended up using an entire baguette, an extra egg, an extra 1/2 cup of cream, a little more sugar, and a little more wine; I also used less orange rind than was called for (just personal preference). Overall, it turned out very well. Different, non-traditional, unique, and almost tastes a little bit like Fruit Loops (strange I know~!) I served it with the rest of the white wine and it was a great late night dessert. God Bless Japan and all the victims and their families. ~~A~~

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